Posts Tagged ‘Labourism’

Is this the roadmap to the end of Labourism?

by Jon Lansman.

Ed Miliband’s father, Ralph, warned in Parliamentary Socialism of the futility of Labourism – “that genuine compromise between revisionism on the one hand, and socialist purposes on the other is impossible” but “ensures in practice the predominance of the policies favoured by a revisionist leadership“. Although Ed yesterday presented his “mending not ending” of the […]

The paradox of George Galloway

by Andy Newman.

It is fair to say that George Galloway is not universally popular. It is therefore unsurprising that his attendance at a meeting with Ed Miliband was used by the increasingly desperate Blairites as ammunition to undermine the Labour leader. They claimed that Ed Miliband was preparing to welcome Galloway back into the Labour Party. An […]

What would a Leanne Wood victory mean for Labour

by Andy Newman.

Leanne Wood’s campaign to become leader of Plaid goes from strength to strength, now gaining the endorsement of Dafydd Iwan, former president of the party, and a renowned Welsh-language musician. Iwan’s support is significant as it bridges the gap between the traditionalist Welsh speaking foundations of Plaid’s support in the West and North of the country with the left-wing republicanism […]

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