Posts Tagged ‘Language’

The new mainstream versus right-wing orthodoxy

by Bryan Gould.

One of the main obstacles to making sense of today’s politics is the insistence of commentators that any shift in political position can only be described as either rightwards or leftwards. This over-simplified and one-dimensional view of the political landscape means that many of the possible directions of political travel – directions that cannot or […]

The monstrosity of management speak

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

I’m writing a wee piece about the sociology of management speak, which should arrive tomorrow. To help me out, I asked Facebook folk if they could give me some examples. A few came in but chief among them all was this, this … abomination. I don’t know if thanks is the right word, but props […]

Do you speak neoliberalism?

by Mark Perryman.

The latest installment of the hugely ambitious After Neoliberalism Manifesto from the politics and culture journal Soundings has just been published. Geographer Doreen Massey is the author. In her contribution she makes a key argument that has an increasing currency on the Outside Left, that to construct a radical politics a vital starting point is […]

On the “Connected Nation”: Why Ed Miliband’s speech was on message

by Carl Packman.

There has been a lot of chat about Ed Miliband’s speech this morning on the social media networks by people who have not read through or heard the speech, so now I’ve read through the transcript I feel in a better place to add comment. Firstly, were this really dog whistle politics designed to please […]

The Left needs to watch its language

by Owen Jones.

Most people don’t spend much time thinking about the radical left – we’re far too marginalised – but if they did, what image would come to mind? I’d suggest something like this: a middle-aged pub bore, who takes himself way too seriously, no sense of humour, prodding the air with his finger as he mumbles […]

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