Posts Tagged ‘Morsi’

Egypt’s day of terror

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

Egypt’s day of terror has been brewing for a long time. 18 months ago, Mubarak’s regime suffered a mortal body blow on Egypt’s Day of Rage as millions poured onto the streets. Approximately two weeks later Mubarak had been swept from power by an alliance of convenience of ancien regime’s opponents, and a military presenting itself as a neutral […]

Egypt – why Morsi fell

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

Oh, hello again Mr ElBaradei. It’s been well over two years since I last wrote about Egypt. Since then, there’s been a lot of changes. But in a rather peculiar way, things are the same again. A heavy-handed and out-of-touch presidency is toppled by a de facto alliance of a millions-strong insurgency and the military, and once […]

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