Posts Tagged ‘Neoliberalism’

The disconnect of politics from the reality out there

by Michael Meacher.

It is almost incredible how the perfect storm is coming together from so many sources at the same time. The near-bankruptcy of the Italian economy could bring down the Eurozone. Yesterday’s official down-grading of growth in the EU to no more than 0.5% a year, and even of Germany to only 1% a year, heralds […]

The long fall-out from the referendum vote

by Michael Meacher.

To the innocent outsider it may seem odd or eccentric that the Tory party can so regularly self-destruct over Europe. Yes, there’s plenty wrong with the EU – not least a sovereign debt crisis and a Eurozone economic structure which is currently untenable, but also a democratic deficit and genuine problems arising from the free […]

Opposing New Labour orthodoxy may well be a winner

by Michael Meacher.

What is so striking about the reaction to Ed Miliband’s speech on the Tory/New Labour Right is their sheer disbelief that any alternative to globalised markets and the corporate ascendancy is feasible, such is their belief in the inevitability of unfettered market capitalism. The arrogance of this view takes some beating. The current neoliberal system […]

We need an ideological revival, but not what’s being offered

by Michael Meacher.

Whilst Big Society may be a vacuous slogan, Cameron’s commitment to deconstruct the State, as he told us explicitly three weeks ago, is very real.   Following hard on the dismantling of the NHS, he made clear that there would be no public service, with the sole exception of national security and the judiciary, which could […]

Where Britain’s going, no-one will follow

by Mark Seddon.

Having staggered through one recession – and without emerging the other side of it – Britain now seems destined for another. This time it will really hurt. A Martian arriving in London, or rather at the Mother of Parliaments in Westminster, could be mistaken for thinking that all of Britain’s economic woes could be laid […]

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