Posts Tagged ‘newspapers’

The Daily Mail isn’t fit for purpose

by Michael Meacher.

I suppose we must thank the Mail for exposing so starkly and vividly just what a despicable purveyor of poison it is, so consumed by bigotry and hatred of all things progressive in British life that it can so grossly misrepresent Ed Miliband’s father who fought for Britain in the war when the Mail sided […]

Labour needs to subvert the cosy, conservative media consensus

by Mark Seddon.

Newspaper circulations may be continuing to fall, and increasing numbers of people are turning away from the night-time television news bulletins. They are looking elsewhere for their news and comment and are often finding it. This does not however mean that political agendas are not often being set by newspapers, with TV and radio media […]

The media barons’ last pitiful throw

by Michael Meacher.

They really have got a nerve. After unanimous agreement of all parties in Parliament for a Royal Charter to ensure proper press standards (which among the UK tabloids at present are arguably the worst in Europe), they deign to produce an alternative without a shred of remorse or apology so that they can carry on exactly as […]

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