Posts Tagged ‘Occupy Wall St’

Polite protest – reading the riots and the occupations

by Carl Packman.

Jay-Z’s clothing company Rocawear have launched a T-shirt which reads “Occupy All Streets” blazoned on the front. A press statement on the shirt from the company goes: The ‘Occupy All Streets’ T shirt was created in support of the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement. Rocawear strongly encourages all forms of constructive expression, whether it be artistic, political or […]

Labour – winning as the party of the bottom 99%

by Lee Brown.

The occupy movements across the world have already succeeded in focussing the debate on the huge disparities between the very wealthy and the “bottom 99%”. This slogan mainly reflects the immediate anger felt across society to how a crisis that originated in the financial sector is now driving down the majority’s living standards, through the […]

Labour must get to grips with the surge of outrage sweeping the world

by Michael Meacher.

Occupy Wall Street, London and 900 other cities across the world challenges the Labour Party to demonstrate that it’s not just a clique holed up in the corridors of Westminster, but a mass campaigning organisation that reaches out to the people and responds to their demands.   The second Occupation site now established in London’s Finsbury […]

#OccupyLSX – what role for unions?

by Union News.

As the LondonStockExchange occupation began, a dispute over 43 locked-out Sotheby’s art handlers in New York had won the active support of the #OccupyWallStreet movement. Could a similar link emerge in the UK? Video, reporting by Pete Murray

The mainstream press speaks out in support of Occupy Wall St

by Jon Lansman.

Although “the standard rightwing putdown of the Occupy Wall Street movement” to which David Osler refers are widespread, there is also encouraging statements of support or at least demands for attention in newspapers our rulers take seriously. The Financial Times and the New York Times to name but two.

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