Posts Tagged ‘Scottish Independence’

Six things Labour should not say about Scottish independence

by Jon Lansman.

We’ve already argued that Unionism will not win back Scottish Labour voters. That unfortunately has not dissuaded Labour’s front bench in Westminster. It’s time then for specifics. It’s not just about the future of the Union. It is also about whether the SNP repeat their trouncing of Labour in local and Westminster elections.  YouGov yesterday showed […]

The animated debate on Scottish independence

by Jon Lansman.

Scottish independence, as seen from Taiwan. Marvelous. Watch out for the reference to the 700th anniversary of Mel Gibson’s death, and the Irn-bru powered starship. Hat-tip Bella Caledonia.

Unionism will not win back Scottish Labour voters

by Jon Lansman.

In the battle between Scotland and Westminster independence, win or lose, Alex Salmond speaks for Scotland. And speaking for Scotland is what has brought the SNP core Labour voters by the coachload in every Labour seat. Labour is out of power both sides of the border so the one thing of which we can be […]

Scottish independence: which partner gets the record collection?

by David Osler.

Not many books make such an impression that you can still remember the broad outline of their arguments three decades after reading them. But the second edition of Tom Nairn’s ‘The Break Up of Britain’, published in 1982, was very much the work that has shaped my thinking on nationalism with the British Isles ever […]

Maximum devolution, maximum advantage

by Malcolm Chisholm.

The review of Scottish Labour will be considered at a special conference this weekend. Malcolm Chisholm MSP argues that Scottish Labour will not be able to shape Scotland in its own image unless it is willing to move on to define and embrace Devolution Max. Many of us may not be in any doubt about […]

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