Posts Tagged ‘Spin’

Stamping out Newspeak

by Jon Lansman.

We were pleased when the BBC banned the use of the phrase electoral “reform” in its coverage of the referendum on whether to change the voting system. “Reform” is indeed too positive a word, as the corporation decided, to be used in supposedly neutral reporting by its journalists ahead of the referendum due on 5 […]

Spin is dead, but the spinners refuse to die.

by Jon Lansman.

Two weeks ago, Labour Uncut announced the death of spin. Ed Miliband had decreed an end to factionalism and to hostile media briefings. But in this week’s Tribune, Labour Uncut’s commissioning editor, Dan Hodges, asks “will the real Ed please stand up?” The problem, it seems, is that he hasn’t got, well, the Right spin. […]

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