Posts Tagged ‘Statistics’

Osborne’s recovery: fiction triumphant over fact

by Michael Meacher.

Osborne’s central pitch in Wednesday’s budget will be that the recovery is strengthening, the economy is coming along nicely, so don’t hand back the keys to the people who caused the mess in the first place. Each of those statements is questionable or wrong. But Labour have boxed themselves in by supporting the austerity line […]

Government fiddles unemployment figures by excluding everyone ‘sanctioned’

by Michael Meacher.

‘Sanctioning’ is a particularly harsh and brutal way of treating unemployed people. They have all their benefit removed even for the most trivial infringements, e.g. being 5 minutes late for a job interview or for a work programme session. Their benefit (£71 a week JSA) is removed for 4 weeks for the first infringement, for […]

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