Posts Tagged ‘Stop the War’

Attacks on Stop the War are attempt to stop democratic debate and campaigning

by Guest.

A reply from Stop the War to Phil Burton-Cartledge by Steve Bell, Murad Qureshi and Carol Turner On 12 December the London demonstration against the bombing of Syria heard the following message from Jeremy Corbyn. I want to thank the Stop the War Coalition, and all of you here today, for standing up against the […]

We must defend the Stop the War Coalition

by Andy Newman.

I was very disappointed to see a rather shoddy hatchet job against Stop the War recently, not from the usual “decent” suspects, but from Phil Burton-Cartledge, right here on Left Futures. Let us be clear, over the issue of war in Afghanistan, the British establishment has been proven wrong, and the arguments made by Stop the War at the […]

The anti-Imperialism of fools

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

Ever since IS became the next big bogey to fill the USSR-sized gap in the perceived threats-to-our-existence market, I knew it would be a matter of time before an empty-headed comparison was made between Islamists scuttling into Syria and the volunteers who flocked to Spain to fight fascism in the 1930s. It was no surprise […]

Ten things a new government could do to make the world a safer place

by Newsdesk.

Here are ten things a new government could do to make the world a safer place, from Stop the War: 1. Ban the sales of arms to anti-democratic and authoritarian regimes. Britain is currently the second biggest exporter of weapons globally. Britain regular sells weapons to many of the countries on the Foreign Office’s own list of […]

The state of war and peace in 2014

by Newsdesk.

In a polemic worthy of wide attention, Lindsey German, Stop the War convenor, looks at the state of play in 2014 between the war-makers and those who give voice to the majority opinion that opposes their war policies We should recognise the importance of the vote in the British parliament which opposed immediate direct intervention in Syria. It […]

Iraq: Ten years on

by Kate Hudson.

As The Guardian editorial says today, ‘The judgment of those who took to the streets against the rush to war only looks wiser.’  Of course there is no joy in being right when the outcome was a desperate tragedy for so many people – and continues to this day. But one would like to think that those […]

Who believes what Ministers and spooks say about Nuclear Iran?

by Michael Meacher.

Here we go again. We’re being told yet again – as well as several times over the last few years – that Iran is about to produce a nuclear weapon and must be stopped at all costs by bombing their nuclear facilities. What is asserted to be new this time is that, firstly, the International […]

Four more years of war in Afghanistan is unacceptable

by Jon Lansman.

Tony Benn, narrating this excellent short video with music by Brian Eno, concludes “four more years of war in Afghanistan is unacceptable“. Do watch it — the message is stark. The Afghan war is currently costing £12m per day, enough to pay for 100,000 nurses and 150,000 care workers. But with 9,300 Afghan civilians killed […]

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