Civil liberties tossed out of the window as Labour is mesmerised by security services

big-brother-1984The emergency surveillance bill rushed through Parliament this week was somewhat overshadowed by David Cameron’s reshuffle and the luridly misogynistic coverage of it in parts of the Tory press. But this bill, which gave government emergency powers so that the police and security services can continue to access phone and internet records, represented a new low in the manipulation of the Parliamentary timetable.

The obvious warning signal about this bill was that all three party leaders had struck a deal about it. When the three front benches close ranks against their own bank benchers, it is a sure indication that they are up to no good. In Britain we have no written constitution or the checks and balances of other political systems. The only check on government is vigorous opposition and proper scrutiny. But the three party leaders came together in order to make proper scrutiny of the emergency surveillance bill almost impossible. Continue reading