Posts Tagged ‘Thomas Piketty’

Instead of “trickle down” economics, why not “bubble up”?

by Bryan Gould.

Thomas Piketty is a French economist who recently took the economics world by storm.  He demonstrated that, in a modern, “free-market” economy, growing inequality is inevitable, unless we do something deliberately to counteract it. Piketty shows that, over hundreds of years and in technologically advanced economies in particular, the return on capital will always rise faster […]

Making it another 1945

by Bryan Gould.

Steve Richards (David Cameron will lose the battle of ideas if he keeps firing 1979’s bullets) is right to say in The Guardian (and Ed Miliband obviously agrees with him) that next year’s election will not, and should not, be decided by personality politics.  So what is it that will determine the voters’ preferences? It would […]

Do we want a society based on work and innovation or on rent?

by Michael Meacher.

The Office of National Statistics data published last month found that the richest 1%in the UK owned as much wealth as the poorest 55%. Oxfam, even more poignantly, calculated that 5 billionaire families controlled the same level of wealth as 20% of the population (i.e. 13 million people). In fact these figures almost certainly greatly […]

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