Posts Tagged ‘Tories’

Some initial thoughts on Labour, patriotism and Tim Soutphommasane

by Carl Packman.

It has been the contention of some that the Englishness we speak of today is rather bleak and shrill, “based on loss and abandonment”, as Jon Cruddas recently put it. But the nation today will be in the throes of national ecstasy, nearing the closure of the Olympic games with 29 gold medals under our […]

Are the Tories about to have their Blair vs Brown moment?

by Carl Packman.

This supposedly Conservative-led government has always been all about moving quickly, tearing down the red tape left up by the Labour party, and knocking down the barriers raised to build about a new revolution in schools, public sector reform and wider society. In short they were heirs to Blair who went about exactly the same […]

It’s all over now, for Nick Clegg

by Carl Packman.

What could possibly be worse for Nick Clegg than Labour grimacing at him over his admission that he’d join in coalition with them if they were to fall short of a Commons majority in 2015? It’s not outright hostility, but pity. Once upon a time it was an unwritten rule that Labour party activists, particularly […]

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