Posts Tagged ‘working class’

Where’s Labour’s strategy for working class voters?

by Michael Meacher.

As Labour’s lead in the polls narrows to 1-2%, we need to keep our nerve, and get our priorities right. The previous Blairite electoral rule was to focus exclusively on middle class marginal seats with a narrow majority. This was on the grounds that working class constituencies were bound to vote Labour anyway – if […]

When are we going to give attention to the working class?

by Michael Meacher.

When was the working class last politically lauded? Probably in the 1970s. It is extraordinary that a class composed of a majority of the population has, as it were, been airbrushed from the record. The political struggle is concentrated exclusively on the middle ground as though that is the only place where elections are won […]

Only more working class MPs will save Labour from timidity

by Michael Meacher.

Why hasn’t Labour’s social team raised a huge hue and cry against Osborne’s openly declared intention to introduce a cap next year on total welfare spending covering about £100bn of benefits, irrespective of the massive increase in destitution brought about by his very own policies? Why hasn’t Labour’s economic team raised an equal cry of […]

Working class MPs: the path to victory

by admin.

BY STEVE HART, political director, Unite Parliament doesn’t represent our society and is in danger of becoming out of touch. Following the last General Election just 4% of MPs had experience of manual work, while 55% come from backgrounds in PR, politics or the media. For a country with such a proud working class political […]

Forget “hard-working families” – we need to talk about class

by Kieran Dodds.

“There is only one hope for mankind – and that is democratic socialism. There is only one party in Great Britain which can do it – and that is the Labour Party.” The words of Aneurin Bevan – Labour hero, British hero – are worth reminding ourselves of from time to time. They remind us […]

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