Labour General Secretary: who voted which way?

It’s been a long time since votes on Labour’s national executive were recorded. Although all members of the executive are representatives of someone, they prefer to vote in secret. They don’t get away with it in parliament and we may not agree with the practice, but don’t expect it to change anytime soon. But since we believe in openness and transparency, we’ll have a stab at setting out who voted which way on the general secretaryship of the Labour Party yesterday. The responsibility for any errors is, of course, ours but we promise to correct them immediately if you let me know.

Supported Iain McNicol
Treasurer Diana Holland (Unite)
EPLP Leader Glenis Willmott MEP
Trade Unions Jim Kennedy (UCATT)
Trade Unions Harriet Yeo (TSSA)
Trade Unions Andy Kerr (CWU)
Trade Unions Cath Speight (Unite)
Trade Unions Mary Turner (GMB)
Trade Unions Chris Weldon (Unite)
Trade Unions Andy Worth (GMB)
Trade Unions Rachel Maskell (Unite)
CLPs Ken Livingstone
CLPs Johanna Baxter
CLPs Ann Black
CLPs Ellie Reeves
CLPs Christine Shawcroft
CLPs Luke Akehurst
PLP/EPLP Dennis Skinner MP
Supported Chris Lennie
Leader Ed Miliband MP
Deputy Leader Harriet Harman MP
Opposition Front Bench Peter Hain MP
Opposition Front Bench Angela Eagle MP
Young Labour Callum Munro
Trade Unions Keith Birch (Unison)
Trade Unions Paddy Lillis (USDAW)
Trade Unions Norma Stephenson (Unison) (Chair)
Socialist Societies Simon Wright (LBGT)
Socialist Societies Keith Vaz MP (BAME Labour)
Labour Councillors Dave Sparks
Labour Councillors Ann Lucas
PLP/EPLP Margaret Beckett MP
PLP/EPLP Michael Cashman MEP (Vice Chair)
Opposition Front Bench Tom Watson MP
    • I am confident that almost all of them are correct. My sources are well informed. Unfortunately, not everyone tells the truth about which way they are going to vote, and some even say different things to different people.

  1. Congratulations, Jon. Labour’s NEC is a representative body, it’s standing orders should be amended to include a named vote procedure. How can we restore trust in our Party democracy? Another item for Iain McNicol’s in tray.