Twenty-six unions preparing to strike

Twenty-fivesix unions are now preparing to strike on November 30, RMT being the latest union to announce a ballot result. Full details of their balloting reslts are set out below.Only the Prisoners Officers Association who are balloting secure psychiatric workers employed in the health service, has not yet announced its ballot result – due on Monday though the result is not in doubt. And prison officers may take action too though it is illegal for them to do so, their union leader said on Thursday — a move that could paralyse jails that are crammed to bursting. In a spearate development, a survey has found that trade unions are the most trusted body when it comes to providing accurate information on the affordability of public sector pensions.

Steve Gillan, POA general secretary, said his 35,000 members were “incensed” over the government’s stance on public-sector pensions and would break the law and support the mass walkout if necessary.

We are hoping that we can come to a settlement on pensions, but if we can’t then we will support the November 30 day of action. That doesn’t necessarily mean a strike, but we may well carry out other forms of action,” he added, without specifying what they would be.”

Union Yes Turnout
GMB 84% 33%
UCATT 83% 27%
Unison 78% 29%
Unison (NI) earlier ballot
Unite 75% 31%
Civil Service
FDA (senior managers) 81% 54%
NAPO (probation officers) 83% 45%
NIPSA (Northern Ireland) 67% 38%
PCS earlier ballot
POA (prison officers) due Monday
Prospect 75% 53%
AEP (educational psychologists) 64%
CSP (physiotherapists) 86% 66%
SCP (chiropodists & podiatrists) 85%
SoR (radiographers) 83% 58%
AHDS (Scottish heads & deputies) 60% 38%
Aspect (Professionals in education & Children’s trusts) 75%
ATL (teachers & lecturers) earlier ballot
EIS (Scottish teachers) 82% 54%
INTO (N Ireland teachers) 87% 44%
NAHT (head teahcers 76% 54%
NASUWT (teachers) 82% 40%
NUT earlier ballot
UCAC (Welsh teachers) earlier ballot
UCU (old universities) 97%
UCU (FE and former polytechnics) earlier ballot
TSSA (white-collar transport workers, N Ireland) 77%
RMT (Royal Fleet Auxiliary) 83%*

* The RMT ballot recorded 83% for action short of strike action and 59% for strike action.