Posts under ‘People’

A woman for all seasons – Georgiana Burne-Jones (continued)

by Peter Willsman.

Steve Williams has written an account of the political activity of the remarkable Georgiana Burne-Jones in Rottingdean, near Brighton, from her arrival there in 1880 until her death in 1920. Here Peter Willsman continues his digested summary for readers (you can read the first part here). In the lead-up to the Boer War Georgiana declared against […]

A woman for all seasons – Georgiana Burne-Jones

by Peter Willsman.

Steve Williams has written an account of the political activity of the remarkable Georgiana Burne-Jones in Rottingdean, near Brighton, from her arrival there in 1880 until her death in 1920. Here Peter Willsman who worked with Steve at the head office of public sector union NUPE (now part of Unison) has digested his account together […]

Russell Brand, Narcissist and Comrade?

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

I’ve always had a soft spot for Russell Brand. Like many recovering Big Brother fans, I first encountered him on E4’s E-Forum, a side programme to Big Brother’s Little Brother, which in turn was an adjunct to the main event. But there was something about Brand that made him stand out even in those days. […]

The best general secretary the TUC has ever had

by Jon Lansman.

Without question, this is the speech of the best, most progressive general secretary the TUC has ever had. At the TUC march on Saturday, Frances O’Grady started by saying what a tough year it had been for trade unions, having lost “our brother, Bob Crow, and our teacher, Tony Benn“. She said how proud she […]

The political elite in action: who represents Yorkshire in Labour’s shadow cabinet?

by Jon Lansman.

If you want more reason for dealing with the political elite’s career structure in the Labour party, just look at who represents Yorkshire in Labour’s shadow cabinet. Labour has 32 MPs from Yorkshire (the Tories having gained 10 seats in 2010), just 12% of the 258 won by Labour in 2010, but it has 37% […]

Tory sleaze…. don’t ya jes’ love it?

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

I love Tory sleaze, and no one does sex scandal quite like the Conservatives. Can you remember the ’90s, the decade where John Major urged his party to get “back to basics“? Alan Clark, Steven Norris, Jeffrey Archer, David Mellor, Stephen Milligan. A roll call of Carry On farce and sexual tragedy if there ever was […]

Tony Benn: Will and Testament, at a cinema near you next week

by Newsdesk.

Tony Benn, the longest serving Labour MP in history, is also, arguably, the most popular UK politician of all time. Across the globe and in particular over the last five years his brand of socialism has struck a cord with people of all ages and social backgrounds. For the first time ever through intimate, quasi […]

10 really good things about Gordon Brown

by Jon Lansman.

It’s true that for a number of years you couldn’t put a fag paper between the politics of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, and though we all heaved a sigh of relief when he eventually took over, he did disappoint us as PM. But Gordon has many great strengths and, just at this moment, there […]

To be or not to be a mother: a woman’s right to choose

by Cat Smith.

Recently, Jennifer Anniston spoke out in the media about how she was feeling about being constantly asked about not having children. She’s a highly successful actor who has not combined that with motherhood. So what? Are male actors harassed in this way if they don’t have children? Why is there an expectation from society that […]

Ecclestone shouldn’t be able to bribe his way out of bribery – he should go to prison

by Michael Meacher.

It is shocking that Bernie Ecclestone could offer a £100m payment to walk free of a massive bribery case for which he was clearly guilty. He admitted he had given an official a £44m bribe in order to head off an investigation into his tax affairs, but when this is rumbled he gets away with […]

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