Posts under ‘Economy’

A Left Economic Strategy for Labour – putting meat on the bones

by John Penney and Danny Nicol.

Left Futures recently published an article of mine, Labour needs to rediscover comprehensive economic planning, in which I argued that Labour, and the radical Left generally, needed to rediscover the centrality of the need for a comprehensive Left Economic Programme both as a core policy offer for Labour, and as a guide and implementation tool […]

Goodbye to Tristram

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

It was nice for Stoke-on-Trent to make the news for something other than footy and the BNP. Less nice that it was my constituency party and my MP at the centre of it. Yes, as the world and its uncle now knows, Tristram Hunt is resigning the Stoke-on-Trent Central seat to take up the leadership of the Victoria & […]

Democracy is what’s missing

by Bryan Gould.

Simon Wren-Lewis, with whom I usually have little difficulty in agreeing, has published a blog in recent days in which he explains why, in his (and others’) views, it is impossible to play a full part in the global economy – in other words, to enjoy free trade – while maintaining the full powers of […]

Unite General Secretary election: Who is Ian Allinson?

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

Here’s another election we can look forward to: the position of General Secretary in my union, Unite. The incumbent, Len McCluskey has announced his intention to stand down next year, effectively calling a by-election. If he’s victorious, it will allow him to serve out a full term before he heads off into retirement some time […]

Labour needs to rediscover comprehensive economic planning

by John Penney.

In his barnstorming 2015 and 2016 Labour Leadership campaigns Jeremy Corbyn outlined a series of, very enthusiastically received policy offers of a distinctly left Keynesian, anti-austerity hue. These proposals ranged from renationalising the railways, to fully re-nationalising and refunding the NHS, establishing a universal free national education service, nationalising key utilities, controlling the banks more […]

RBS shows left must think for itself

by Tom O Leary.

Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) is a publicly-owned bank. The overwhelming majority of its shares are in state hands, 73% of the equity. Yet it was the only major bank to fail outright the recent ‘stress test’ of its balance sheet conducted by the Bank of England. The bank is a basket-case. It is costing […]

Corbyn sets out economic vision in speech to British businesses

by Newsdesk.

Jeremy Corbyn set out his economic vision to the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) yesterday, in a speech that focused on using the state to encourage and promote entrepreneurship. Arguing that Labour had “plenty of common ground with the CBI”, he said the party was “open to change”:

The left must encourage people into unions – not work against their leaderships

by Andy Newman.

There is an unfortunate tendency for articles nowadays to have sensationalist “click-bait” headlines, but by any standards the aggressive spin put on Michael Chessum’s latest piece in the New Statesman is highly unfortunate. The headline screams “It’s time for Jeremy Corbyn’s supporters to take on the trade union leadership”. Nothing could be more counterproductive than seeking […]

Tory MPs have a nerve to attack the Bank of England

by Ann Pettifor.

When David Davies MP (not to be confused with cabinet member David Davis MP) tweeted “Mr Carney you are an unelected bank official. Theresa May has got every right to tell you how to do your job!” he was quite wrong. Bank of England officials are civil servants and are given a mandate by Britain’s elected government. […]

Corbyn is right: Migrants don’t drive down wages

by Tom O Leary.

In his recent speech to Labour Party conference Jeremy Corbyn said, “It isn’t migrants that drive down wages, it’s exploitative employers and the politicians who deregulate the labour market and rip up trade union rights.” This is excellent and entirely correct. It is probably the best statement ever made by a Labour leader on this […]

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