Posts under ‘US & Canada’

The provocation the US felt from Cuba in 1962 is what Russia sees from Ukraine now

by Michael Meacher.

So Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the EU Commission, wants to set up a European army in the face of the threat posed by Moscow. Quite apart from the fact that this would partly duplicate NATO and the suspicion that it is motivated more by the desire to centralise key powers at EU level since in […]

Government duplicity on torture from Blair to Cameron: eleven evasions

by Michael Meacher.

The whole narrative of the UK government’s response to the brutal revelations of US rendition and torture at Guantanamo and ‘black sites’ spread across E. Europe, the Middle East and Asia has been one of subterfuge, deception and downright lying, in sharp contrast to the determination of the political class in the US to get […]

How far was the UK complicit in CIA rendition and torture?

by Michael Meacher.

The report published today by the US Senate Intelligence Committee, chaired by Dianne Feinstein,  makes horrifying, even disgusting, reading.   The tactics used against prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay or foreign CIA  black sites (i.e. torture chambers) included water-boarding (simulated drowning), ‘rectal rehydration’ (leading to anal fissures and rectal prolapse), sleep deprivation for a week […]

Why Scotland and the UK should oppose TTIP

by Dave Watson.

Politicians can be so fixated by the benefits of free trade that they are missing the real dangers of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), a series of trade negotiations being carried out mostly in secret between the EU and US. In my view TTIP is primarily about reducing the regulatory barriers to trade […]

The special relationship – what’s a new missile system between friends

by Kate Hudson.

In a globalised, increasingly multi-polar world, the ‘special relationship’ between the US and UK might be expected to diminish, as twenty-first century reality supersedes Cold War imperatives. Nothing of the sort, it seems, when it comes to nuclear weapons. In 1958 the US and UK signed the ‘Agreement between the UK and the USA for […]

Stop TTIP – to save our NHS

by John Millington.

Activists from across Europe will descend on major cities at the weekend to protest against the imposition of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (or TTIP) – a “free trade agreement” between the US and the EU. Rarely does one issue help galvanise continental wide disapproval but in the case of TTIP, people from across […]

UK must not be sucked into yet another war in Iraq

by Michael Meacher.

After the Scots’ referendum, an even bigger issue is now rapidly coming down the line. As the US is being dragged remorselessly into what Obama likes to call a counter-insurgency campaign in Iraq-Syria – a war by any other name – it is vital that the UK doesn’t tamely follow suit as Blair did at […]

The new EU Commission has marked up a TTIP deal with US as a key objective

by Michael Meacher.

The fight over the euphemistically named Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), which the US Congress successfully blocked over the last year, is about to be pushed forward in a higher gear now that the new EU Commission has made clear their eagerness to drive a deal through with the US over this next year. […]

Welcome to the NATO fest

by Jeremy Corbyn.

As Nato leaders gather this week in Wales, how does the military alliance find ever new ways to justify its seemingly endless expansion? Looking at government websites about the forthcoming Nato leaders’ conference at the Celtic Manor golf club, one could be forgiven for assuming it was some sort of gourmet festival. The leaders of 60 […]

TTIP could privatise our education system, permanently

by James Elliott.

Over the last year the student movement has seen something of a comeback from the low ebbs of 2012 and early 2013, with new waves of occupations, landmark campaigns such as Occupy Sussex, the inspirational militancy of the 3Cosas cleaners, and a renewed conflict between students and workers’ right to organise, and the management’s will […]

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