Posts Tagged ‘BNP’

Owen Jones is as bad as Hitler?

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

Listen to ‘Far left as bad as the BNP, says Labour MP’ on Audioboo That there Owen Jones, he’s worse than Hitler. Well, maybe not worse but equally as bad. At least according to Simon Danczuk, the Rochdale MP who recently caused a row by openly backing the planned change to extend the aigning on waiting time […]

UKIP faces BNP entrism

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

It will no doubt be a cack-handed operation, but entrism within UKIP is – apparently – what the BNP are planning to do. This from Nick Griffin’s “analysis” of Thursday’s election results on the BNP’s website. Join us – or do this! If, for whatever reason, anyone who thinks of themselves as a nationalist isn’t […]

Student newspapers: no place for fascists

by Aaron Kiely.

Last week the Leeds Student – an official paper of Leeds University Union – defied their union’s ‘no platform for fascists’ policy and published an interview with Nick Griffin, both in their print addition and online. The interview since also been published by Cardiff University’s SU paper. In response to this appalling decision students from […]

The left are more realistic about the working class vote than some think

by Carl Packman.

Since the publication of Progress’ Class edition, and the polling that has been done through YouGov, there seems to be some confusion about how the left perceive the voting behaviour of working class people in Britain. Reading Luke Akehurst’s fair piece on LabourList, aside from the harsh reality-check that working class voters in this country […]

Swansea Shenanigans: never mind fascists and incompetents, stop the socialists

by Jon Lansman.

Regaining control of Swansea City Council after 8 years in opposition is Labour’s prime target in Wales, and one of its key targets across the UK. In a ward with a history of far right political activity (including entrism within the Labour Party), and less than a week before close of nominations, Wales General Secretary, David […]

The real lessons of Cable Street

by Andy Newman.

This week’s 75th anniversary of the Battle of Cable Street marks an important milestone in British politics; with the benefit of hindsight we know that we triumphed, and the British Union of Fascists (BUF) did not come to power. But the BUF were a serious threat, and despite self-serving banalities from liberals about British propensity towards moderation, […]

A warning shot

by Owen Jones.

It’s five days since one of the blackest days in recent Western European history. The time for mourning is far from over. For the parents of the murdered Workers’ Youth League activists, the nightmare will never end. But if we are to stop such an unbearable atrocity happening again, it is not only right – […]

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