Posts Tagged ‘Front de Gauche’

French radicals to start referendum campaign on ‘Permanent Austerity Treaty’

by Tom Gill.

The radical Front de Gauche (Left Front) is to launch a campaign for a referendum in France against the Fiscal Compact, known by critics as the Permanent Austerity Treaty. Agreed on 2 March 2012 by 25 EU countries, minus Britain and the Czech Republic, the EU Fiscal Compact – a German invention officially known as Treaty […]

France’s socialists and a fitting executive pay cap

by Tom Gill.

The French government this week announced plans to cap the salary of public sector chief executives at €450,000 per year. The decree, which will be released by the end of July assuming the socialists win a majority in the parliamentary election run-offs on Sunday, is designed to limit the accumulation of incomes, including fixed and variable […]

French elections – more bad news than good?

by Tom Gill.

First the good news. The Right is not only out of the Elysee Palace but it is on course to have lost control of parliament too. And in its place is probably the most progressive of social democrat parties in Europe today. The Socialists’ programme includes boosting industrial investment, youth employment and teacher numbers, hiking […]

Learning from Europe: the future of the British Left

by Michael Meacher.

The most important outcome of the Bradford West by-election is undoubtedly the rejection of the 3 main political parties who secured the support of only 40% of the electors. This increasing disaffection with conventional politics, with the Labour-Tory share of the votes down from 97% in the 1951 election to just 65% in 2010, was […]

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