Posts Tagged ‘NATO’

Western policy in Syria is bankrupt. But that doesn’t stop the aerial attacks

by Mike Phipps.

The US has been bombing Syria for over a year. Russia began this September, as did France. Turkey has strafed targeted ISIS positions in the country and Israel has also conducted air strikes on Syrian military installations. Canada has been bombing Syria since April and Australia since September. Jordan began a year ago as did […]

The provocation the US felt from Cuba in 1962 is what Russia sees from Ukraine now

by Michael Meacher.

So Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the EU Commission, wants to set up a European army in the face of the threat posed by Moscow. Quite apart from the fact that this would partly duplicate NATO and the suspicion that it is motivated more by the desire to centralise key powers at EU level since in […]

Welcome to the NATO fest

by Jeremy Corbyn.

As Nato leaders gather this week in Wales, how does the military alliance find ever new ways to justify its seemingly endless expansion? Looking at government websites about the forthcoming Nato leaders’ conference at the Celtic Manor golf club, one could be forgiven for assuming it was some sort of gourmet festival. The leaders of 60 […]

No UK troops for Nato’s Ukraine war games

by Jon Lansman.

Stop the War Coalition are calling for signatures for a petition against the NATO joint exercises with Ukrainian troops within Ukraine which is not a member of NATO, and against British involvement in these exercises. This action is provocative, and makes a political solution to the crisis more difficult to achieve. That is not in […]

Russia’s de-dollarization plan and its implications for the world

by Tom Gill.

By Juan Torres. Translated from the Spanish original at El Publico by Tom Gill Although the Western media is barely addressing it, Russia has been discussing in the last few weeks the adoption of a series of economic measures that would involve a significant change in direction and a powerful response to the sanctions and threats […]

It’s no time to take heed of the tin-pot generals

by Jeremy Corbyn.

In Parliament this week, there were a number of tin-pot generals using the opportunity of the Ukrainian crisis to insist that Britain should rapidly and exponentially increase military expenditure. But as with all international crises, it’s important to recognise the history lurking behind the drama. Ukraine’s national borders have ebbed and flowed with the tides […]

Libyan mission creep: Labour should back international law, not NATO

by Jon Lansman.

The three NATO leaders have now made clear their objective in Libya — and it is regime change and not the more limited objectives set by the UN. Regime change is not a legitimate objective for NATO’s leaders to determine. It is an entirely legitimate aspiration for the Libyan people. It could become a legitimate […]

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