Posts Tagged ‘Sinn Fein’

Poll shows Sinn Féin as second party

by Andy Newman.

Sinn Féin is now the second most popular party in the Republic, according to the latest Irish Times /Ipsos MRBI poll. Sinn Féin is narrowly ahead of the Labour Party and Fianna Fáil, with the party attracting almost the same support as Mr McGuinness. When people were asked who they would vote for if a general election were […]

Irish Labour defy voters to help Fine Gael implement Fianna Fail austerity programme

by Andy Newman.

Having ridden to power on the back of Fianna Fail’s unpopularity, the new Irish government is promising more of the same. Buried away as a throwaway line at page 16 of the 64 page coalition agreement it says: We believe it is appropriate, in order to enhance international credibility, to stick to the aggregate adjustment […]

Why doesn’t the Left do better?

by Darrell Goodliffe.

In the wee small hours following the Barnsley Central by-election this question was asked of me on Twitter. It seems a reasonable question. After all, capitalism is in far from in rude health and I suspect there are elements of the story the left tells about it that would find a receptive audience. Tales of […]

Union calls on Irish Labour to lead opposition

by Jon Lansman.

Coalition talks are about to take place between Fine Gael and the Irish Labour Party on forming a government, as counting continues to allocate the last remaining seats following the Irish general election. However, the Unite trade union has called on the Irish Labour Party to resist the lure of coalition with Fine Gael, and […]

Irish Labour’s desperate gamble

by Andy Newman.

As Fine Gael is set to form the next government of the Irish Republic, it is tempting to see the General Election as following the typical pattern of politics in the 26 counties, with power alternating between two conservative parties; Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael. But the voting figures show a more complex pattern, with a drop […]

LRC comes out against AV, and debates the cuts

by Darrell Goodliffe.

Following on from the Labour Representation Committee (LRC) National Conference I was subsequently elected to represent Leeds LRC on the National Committee. If you’re worried about more potentially disastrous tired guesses about attendance then fear no more, I won’t be making any such guesses this time around. John McDonnell lead off with a political report […]

What are Sinn Fein’s prospects?

by Andy Newman.

I have been criticised by commenters at Left Futures, here and here, for saying that Fine Gail and Labour had effectively colluded in allowing the outgoing Fianna Fail government the opportunity to pass its budget. My critics point out that Labour and Fine Gail both voted against the Finance Bill. However, although they voted against, they did allow the Finance Bill […]

Irish Labour Party blowing it

by Andy Newman.

The agreement of the Irish opposition parties (Fine Gael, Labour, and the Greens who have just left the government) to vote through the Finance Bill before calling a General Election is scandalous. The current government has lost all legitimacy, and passing this austerity bill is an attempt to bind the incoming government, and thus thwart the […]

Ireland: there is a better way

by Andy Newman.

The Fianna Fail/Green coalition in Dublin, in spite of the most aggressive cuts programme in Europe, still has the effective support of Fine Gael and Labour, the main opposition parties. Sinn Féin policy has three key components: First, is to shift the burden of taxation from the poor to a rich in a series of […]

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