Posts Tagged ‘US’

The case against a US strike on Iran

by David Osler.

As John McCain’s painfully unfunny rewrite of the lyrics to Beach Boys’ hit Barbara Ann demonstrates, at least the former Republican presidential contender can see the lighter side of mounting a US airstrike on Iranian nuclear facilities. Fortunately for the rest of the world, Barack Obama has not only shown no inclination to ‘bomb bomb Iran’, […]

The big US-UK divide

by Michael Meacher.

Cameron has enjoyed portraying in Washington that the US and UK are marching in lockstep towards early withdrawal from Afghanistan. But not on what matters even more – policy towards the deficit. There are two ways to deal with a big budget deficit: one is by cutting back expenditure (austerity) and the other is growth […]

Iran and the bomb: containment is an option

by David Osler.

Benjamin Netanyahu is not much given to obfuscation. His speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee on Monday night made it quite clear to Tehran – and anyone else listening in – that he will do whatever it takes to prevent Iran acquiring nuclear weapons. Despite the carefully inserted disclaimers, numerous passages can only […]

Can Obama win?

by Andy Newman.

Today’s Los Angeles Times reports that Obama has a clear fundraising edge over all his Republican rivals. Key to winning will be to defend the gains Obama made in 2008 in the south: Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida, which have 57 electoral college seats between them. We should remind ourselves that only two generations ago the […]

Who believes what Ministers and spooks say about Nuclear Iran?

by Michael Meacher.

Here we go again. We’re being told yet again – as well as several times over the last few years – that Iran is about to produce a nuclear weapon and must be stopped at all costs by bombing their nuclear facilities. What is asserted to be new this time is that, firstly, the International […]

#OccupyLSX – what role for unions?

by Union News.

As the LondonStockExchange occupation began, a dispute over 43 locked-out Sotheby’s art handlers in New York had won the active support of the #OccupyWallStreet movement. Could a similar link emerge in the UK? Video, reporting by Pete Murray

What Occupy Wall Street should tell the political right

by David Osler.

I guess the biggest problem the political right on both sides of the Atlantic has with the Occupy Wall Street movement is the sudden realisation that not everybody in America thinks the way that they do. Those that habitually refer to liberals as ‘the far left’, and nonsensically insist that Obama is some kind of ‘Marxist’, […]

The Tea Party brings you the freedom to die

by Jon Lansman.

An extract from the CNN Tea Party debate deep in the heart of Florida last Monday night. Between, amongst others, Texas Governor Rick Perry, Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, Congressman Ron Paul and Minnesota representative Michele Bachmann, ex-Utah governor Jon Huntsman, and former speaker Newt Gingrich. The real “stars”, however, are the audience. When Ron Paul is […]

Who the hell are Standard & Poors?

by Mark Seddon.

Amidst all of the market babble and financial gobbledegook that poured from both ‘analysts’ and ‘practitioners’ following last week’s global market meltdown, came a shaft of light. It took the form of a question and the question was posed by Robert Reich; “Pardon me”, he said “but who gave Standard & Poor’s the authority to […]

Uncompromising fanaticism in favour of the rich now rules on both sides of the Atlantic

by Michael Meacher.

There was rejoicing when the US House of Representatives finally passed the deal to lift the debt ceiling, just as there was when Osborne sat down in the House at the end of his June 2010 budget. Relief all round for the Republican Tea Party and the Tory Right because the monstrous excesses of their […]

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