Who is responsible for the Middle East conflict? And how do we help resolve it? We can do no worse than to begin by looking at Labour’s own history. On this day in 1944, Labour’s annual conference was taking place in London. A week before D-Day and two weeks before V1s started hitting London, the Allies […]
Posts Tagged ‘Zionism’
Labour and the Jews: from ethnic cleansing to truth and reconciliation
May 30th, 2016 by Jon Lansman.Antisemitism and Zionism: a reply to Jon Lansman
May 5th, 2016 by John Rees.John Rees, co-founder of the Stop the War Coalition, responds to Jon Lansman’s post, Why the Left must stop talking about ‘Zionism’ My previous relationship with Jon Lansman has been perfectly comradely. So it’s a little surprising that he should choose to attack me as part of an article devoted to trying to convince the left […]
Why the Left must stop talking about ‘Zionism’
May 2nd, 2016 by Jon Lansman.There is every justification for talking about the rights of Palestinians, for campaigning against the profound injustice that has been done to them and for criticising the actions and policies of the Israeli government but there is no defence for antisemitism, whoever makes the accusation. As the Jewish Socialists’ Group (JSG) has rightly argued, “accusations of antisemitism are […]
Putting “Labour’s problem with antisemitism” into context
May 2nd, 2016 by Newsdesk.The following statement has been issued by the Jewish Socialist’s Group: Antisemitism exists and must be exposed and fought against in the same way as other forms of racism by all who are concerned with combating racism and fascism. Antisemitism and anti-Zionism are not the same. Zionism is a political ideology which has always been […]
A Sikh perspective on antisemitism and Zionism
Apr 28th, 2016 by Katy Sian.Speaking as a Sikh woman and also as an academic who has written, studied, and campaigned for racial equality and social justice, it has been somewhat troubling to hear the Labour Party standing accused of antisemitism. It has been particularly surprising that Jeremy Corbyn has been associated with the alleged rise of antisemitism, this despite […]
Stop the witch-hunt of Tricycle theatre for a “boycott” that never was and a false charge of antisemitism
Aug 12th, 2014 by Jon Lansman.For a number of years, the Tricycle theatre & cinema in Kilburn (alongside other cinemas in London, Manchester and elsewhere) has hosted a Jewish film festival. Although most films are non-political, last year, films did include UK premieres of ‘Besa: the Promise‘ about mostly Muslims Albanians who risked their lives sheltering Jews during WWII, ‘From Cable Street to […]
Now Israel annexes all the Jews of the world
May 27th, 2013 by Uri Avnery.Can a law be both ridiculous and dangerous? It certainly can. Witness the ongoing initiative of the Israeli government to enact a law that would define the State of Israel as “The Nation-State of the Jewish People”. Ridiculous 1 – because what and who is the “Jewish people”? The Jews of the world are a […]
The compulsive radio of a fascinating, worrying interview
Feb 16th, 2013 by Keir McCormack.“I’m a painfully truthful person often to the point of self-immolation or self-destruction,” said Julie Burchill appearing on Desert Island Discs. Burchill was bound to draw an audience, and only a few weeks after the BBC programme hosted its dream guest Aung San Suu Kyi. We were certainly in for some self-immolation. Burchill’s mantra was […]
Israel/Palestine and why the conflict needs less ideological posturing
Nov 24th, 2012 by James Bloodworth.Almost all of those with an overtly ideological take on the conflict in Israel/Palestine come across as slightly deranged. The justification offered by supporters of each side is that it is their faction that is in the right, their faction that is acting in self-defence, and that it is the other side which is motivated […]
So how should a Jew react to Jewish Apartheid?
Oct 27th, 2012 by Jon Lansman.Two weeks ago, by one authority at least (the government of Israel), there appeared for the first time since 1967 to be a non-Jewish majority in the land of, or occupied by, Israel — leading liberal Israeli daily Haaretz to declare that “a situation of apartheid exists“. A week later, this news was trumped by […]