Figures from the Labour Party on nominations for Labour’s national executive indicate that, so far the Left are leading the field. These figures show nominations actually received by the Labour Party at 24 February. Although details of other nominations are available (Progress, for example shows higher figures for their candidates), the party’s own figures do […]
Posts Tagged ‘CLPD’
Labour pressure group demonstrates how to be open and democratic
Feb 23rd, 2012 by Mick Loates.The Campaign for Labour Party Democracy (CLPD), formed in 1973 by a group of rank-and-file activists, held its Annual General Meeting last Saturday at Conway Hall in central London. Like most other pressure groups in the Labour Party with the notable exception of Progress, CLPD elects its executive and decides its policy at a meeting at […]
Will the Luke Akehurst please
Feb 17th, 2012 by Jon Lansman.“Apologies for this note of sectarianism in the season of goodwill, but the price of electability is eternal vigilence.” The left should back off and stop smearing Labour’s hard-working staff. My complaint is the opposite – the daft code of conduct stops Labour staff doing their job. They should not be neutral referees. They should […]
The reform of Labour policy process is unstoppable: Ed’s office please take note
Jan 30th, 2012 by Jon Lansman.As the extended period of consultation about Refounding Labour reaches its conclusion tomorrow, it has become clear that the determination to democratise decision-making extends across the party and its affiliates, and across the political spectrum. It cannot be stopped by the desire of the Leader’s advisers to force trade unions to give up yet more of the […]
10 ways in which Refounding Labour might actually happen
Jan 23rd, 2012 by Jon Lansman.Were you or your local party consulted about our new commitments on freezing public sector pay or not reversing Tory cuts? No? And what about or policy review more generally — have you felt any more involved than you did in the New Labour years? We thought not. As it happens, you’ve got one more week […]
Labour Party members’ policy reps: gagged for 2-years, now facing elections
Jan 9th, 2012 by Peter Kenyon.For those of you braced for late night tomorrow glued to CNN and the GOP New Hampshire primary spare a thought for Labour Party national policy forum (NPF) consitutency labour party(CLP) representatives facing an election next summer. Since taking up office in the autumn of 2010, these haplessindividuals (55 in total – five per Labour […]
Support centre-left candidates for Labour’s national executive
Jan 9th, 2012 by Jon Lansman.The Campaign for Labour Party Democracy (CLPD) is today writing to all constituency parties and supporters calling for nominations of six candidates for the six constituency party places on Labour’s National Executive (download leaflet here). The deadline for nominations is Friday 30 March 2012 and the all-member postal ballot will take place in May and June. […]
AV = DI (Disproportionate Influence)
Apr 28th, 2011 by Peter Willsman.What have the Labour Yes campaign got to say to Labour voters in Oldham East and Saddleworth? Just look at the figures in the recent by-election. Labour beat the Lib Dems by about 3,500 votes. Meanwhile, the Tories and other right-wing anti-Labour parties attracted over 8,000 votes. Had these 8,000 had the option, which the Alternative […]
Labour Uncut: Lies and smears about NEC candidate
Jul 12th, 2010 by Jon Lansman.Two weeks ago, we commented here on the resemblance of Labour Uncut to the planned Red Rag, the website to consist of lies, smears and innuendo that Derek Draper described as “absolutely totally brilliant”, except that its targets are not Tories but our own side. The latest victim is Peter Willsman, NEC member and Secretary […]
Radical shake-up of Labour’s policy-making proposed
May 31st, 2010 by Jon Lansman.Suggested changes to the Labour Party Rulebook are being circulated to all Constituency Labour Parties this week which offer a radical shake up of Labour’s policy-making machinery. All the leadership candidates have to some extent recognised the need to revive the party membership, and understand that active campaigning wins votes but requires two-way communication and […]