The Lawful Industrial Action (Minor Errors) Bill has been introduced in response to the raft of court cases brought against unions whose members had voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike action. John McDonnell MP has been drawn in the Private Members Bill ballot and is campaigning to repeal part of the anti-trade union laws which make it possible for employers to take trade unions to court to block strike action on minor technicalities.
The current legislation puts a massive burden on trade unions and means trade union ballots are subject to far tighter regulations than general elections.
The Bill will:
- Ensure fairer industrial action balloting procedures
- Prevent employers exploiting minor technical errors in ballots and notices in order to invalidate the whole ballot
- Prevent the courts from overruling a democratic ballot merely on technical grounds.
The Bill is having its Second Reading in Parliament on the 22 October 2010 and in order for this to take place 100 MPs must be present in the Commons. Write to your MP now asking them to make sure they are there! Use this simple tool:
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