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David Miliband’s outside earnings top £200k

David Miliband’s earnings from outside parliament this year now exceed £200,000. These earnings include: £25,000 for a lecture in Abu Dhabi; £42,600 for three lectures through the London Speaker Bureau and £10,000 for another organised by McKinsey; almost £24,000 for one week’s teaching at MIT plus the same again for his whole family’s flights and accommodation; £75,000 for 12-15 days work as a director of Sunderland FC. Nice work if you can get it. All on top of his MP’s salary, of course.


  1. Glass house? says:

    Perhaps he should go into property development instead?

  2. J A says:

    And what does any of this matter?

    Does this really go under ‘forward thinking for the democratic left’?

  3. Jon Lansman says:

    To JA: this information is reported as declared by David Miliband himself. Two aspects seem to me to be of interest – the extent of an MP’s outside earnings when they are already employed full-time, and the rate of pay. However, readers are left to draw their own conclusions.

  4. Jon Hudson says:

    Look forward to you listing all the other MPs’ outside earnings in due course then JL.

  5. veronica killen says:

    Wish I earned that for my lectures…………. many FE teachers in the north are about to have their wages slashed by £10,000 see here.

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