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Under attack by a feral ruling class

Speaking ahead of this year’s Trades Union Congress, the leader of the country’s biggest union, Unite, warned that government’s continued attacks on working people  – including the attacks on public sector pensions – will provoke unrest. Len McCluskey said we are”under attack by a government with no mandate and a feral ruling class that is being allowed to duck its duty to society.” He promised “from civil disobedience to industrial action, this is the moment we defend what is decent and fair.” His full statement is as follows:

All that this country has held dear for 65 years – education for all, our NHS, decent jobs and pensions in retirement, a future for our kids – is under attack. It is under attack by a government with no mandate and a feral ruling class that is being allowed to duck its duty to society.

This abuse of the struggling many by the cushioned, untouchable few is causing division and stoking anger – little wonder that working people will be forced to stand up and defend what is rightfully theirs.

Unite rejects the dogma of despair and fear peddled by this government. Let’s explode some of the myths surrounding the poison government is spreading on public sector pensions. These are not gold-plated CEOs of FTSE 100 companies. These are dinner ladies who if they are lucky will earn a pension of £4000 — and this government is planning to slash this further still.

I for one do not my grandchildren to be asking “what did you do to stop this abuse and to stop my heritage being taken away?” and for me to reply ‘nothing’.

So, we rule nothing in or nothing out. From civil disobedience to industrial action, this is the moment we defend what is decent and fair.”

This is Len McCluskey on Andrew Marr’s show this morning:


  1. paul durbin says:

    what a load of rubbish. Doing our cause no good whatsoever. And of course, when Len was talking about the “heritage” being left to his grandchildren, he would have been more accurate talking about the inheritance he’ll be leaving because of his over inflated pay packet!! Try getting by on my wage Len!

  2. Peter Benson says:

    Someone has to take on the ConDems.The opposition is conspicuous by its silence.
    New Labour will not win the next General Election.Read the comments section of most major online Newspapers and you will see a great many very angry at New Labours takeover of the Labour Party.Many want the legitimately founded old Labour Party back.
    If you want to continue to be just another neo liberal party along with the other two main parties you desrve to lose.
    The only person and party speaking out on social justice is Caroline Lucas of the Green Party.

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