Posts Tagged ‘Ken Livingstone’

On Ken and Lutfur and winning London

by Fred Kite.

“Under Ed Miliband, Labour lost Scotland. Now under his leadership, Labour has lost London”. This could very well be one of the top lining political stories in a year’s time, and while it is easy to look into a crystal ball and easier still to paint a bleak picture, Labour is facing a much tougher […]

Boris Johnson thinks Obama’s a bit of a mobster too

by Jon Lansman.

Last week, Ken Livinstone, defending the rule of law, said that the manner of the killing of Bin Laden “undermines any commitment to democracy and trial by jury and makes Obama look like some sort of mobster.” For this, he was denounced by “moderate” Labour bloggers — “the madness of Ken’s attack on Obama” and […]

Stand by Ken

by Andy Newman.

It is now revealed that Osama Bin Laden was unarmed when he was shot twice in the head by US Navy Seals, who it seems were operating without lawful authority from the Pakistani government within the jurisdiction of the sovereign state of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Any political response to this needs to consider the […]

There’s a time and a place for pluralism

by Jon Lansman.

At a time when pluralism versus tribalism is so much talked about, is it not surprising that one of Labour’s great taboos remains discussing electoral arrangements with other parties — pre-election deals? And yet we now have, for some elections, electoral systems which at least some of the time mean that a Labour vote is […]

Labour NEC decides not to pursue complaint against Livingstone

by Andy Newman.

The Labour Party NEC Disputes Committee recently discussed the case of the Tower Hamlets councillors who have “automatically” placed themselves outside the Labour Party by campaigning for Lutfur Rahman. At the same meeting, a fly on the wall tells me, the Disputes Committee held a discussion on Ken Livingstone’s actions, and they decided that because […]

Ken and Tower Hamlets update

by Jon Lansman.

Someone upstairs may have had a word with Ken. His response is a masterful press statement: I am disappointed by the way the NEC handled the selection in Tower Hamlets and I am sure that under Ed Miliband’s leadership things would have been handled differently. However, my position is clear: I fully support Labour candidates […]

Labour versus Labour in Tower Hamlets

by Jon Lansman.

Ken Livingstone, Labour candidate for London Mayor and leading member of Labour’s national executive, was in Tower Hamlets today, campaigning with a Labour candidate for mayor of Tower Hamlets. The candidate selected by Labour members in Tower Hamlets, Lutfur Rahman, that is, not the one rejected by Labour members in Tower Hamlets, Helal Abbas. Mr […]

Ken Livingstone beats Oona King (but with a low union turnout for a leadership election)

by Jon Lansman.

 Ken Livingstone has overwhelmingly won the Labour nomination for Mayor of London by a majority of more than 2 to 1 overall, with a slightly better result in the trade unions than amongst Labour party individual members. Ken was master of his brief and never looked remotely vulnerable to Oona King’s challenge. He derived […]

Has Oona King given up?

by Andy Newman.

Within the last hour Ken Livingstone’s campaign team sent out a further rallying e-mail, calling on people to back him to take on Boris Johnson and the Tories: One week ago Boris Johnson confirmed that he will run again. His interview on Andrew Marr’s BBC programme last weekend shows what’s at stake. He said of […]

Livingstone comes out for Balls

by Jon Lansman.

Ken Livingstone has given his backing in the Labour Leadership contest to Ed Balls. In his latest campaign leaflet, launched today, amongst other declarations of people saying “why we’re backing Ed“, Ken says: “I was impressed that, more than any other Minister, Ed was in command of his civil servants and was able to drive […]

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